Mr & Mrs Newman
Janet Kay
Mrs & Mrs Hayes
Paul Tregidgo
Russell Grant
P Judd
Mr & Mrs Oldham
Mrs J Hopkins
Mr S Urdang
Mrs H Hadley
Mr K L Dudley
Mr & Mrs Barnes
Mr K L Marshall
Mrs A Shepherd
Mrs P Hostrom
Mr & Mrs Mathieson
Gerry Ceaser
Mrs B Want
Mr V Drinkwater
Carole Tompkins
Mrs P Crisp
Mr & Mrs German
Sue Munson
Mrs Yarrow
Mr & Mrs Papworth
Mr & Mrs Shaw
Mrs M J Smith
Norman Willis
Mrs Barry
Mr & Mrs Long
Robert Shaw
Mrs Whittingham
Mrs Price
Mr & Mrs Pickerill
Della & Alan Pascoe
Mrs & Mrs C Tamlyn
Mr Roy Sharrard
Peter Gold
Mr & Mrs Luxford-Watts
Mr & Mrs Morrison
Charles Booker
Mr & Mrs D & V Kettle
Mr & Mrs D Brown
Zandra Ceaser
Mr & Mrs Cryer
Reg Fisher
Phil Smith
Mrs Alma Walford
Colin Squire
Mr William Manning
Jean & Harold Snoad
Irving Childs
Tinny Cobby & Tim Walters
Derick Spencer
Mr D Duckworth in Memory of his wife 'Bunny'
Barry & Linda Biggs
Mrs E.D. Collison
John Stamp
Don Wilson
DA Komatsu
Beryl & Norman Kitz
In Memory of Mrs E Galpin
John & Jean Hamilton
Mr JW & Mrs DL Hawkins
Keith Humphrey
Eric Pimm
Michael Pegram & Rosemary Adams
Evelyn & Geoff Sims
Mr Tucker
In Memory of Mrs Juby
In Memory of Mr Stewart
Community Groups & Companies
Berkeley Homes
BP Global
Barclays Bank, Kingston
Spelthorne Lottery
The Flower Pot
Thames Water Utilities
Woolwich BS
Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Association
Cecil Watts Ltd
Riverside Arts Centre
Sunbury Health Centre Group Practice
New Horizons Trust
Rotary Club
Middle Thames Yacht Club
Sunbury Amateur Regatta
Sunbury & Shepperton Lions
T H Collison Ltd.
The Vintners' Company
Sunbury Probus Club
The Worshipful Company of Dyers
Sunbury Roundabouts
Laurie Maskell
The Worshipful Company of Weavers
Shahin Restaurant
The Embroiderers' Guild
Sunbury Music Club
Colart Fine Art & Graphics
Sunbury Townswomen's Guild
The Oasthouse Singers
Spelthorne Mayor's Charity Fund
Wilson Bart
Toshiba UK
Performance Entertainment
Association of Reunited Thames Staff
Grange Farms
Kingston Technology
The Mercers' Company
River Plastics
Johnson & Johnson
Canon House Properties
Arts Council England
Brett Environment Trust
John Lewis Partnership
XS Hire
NatWest Business Centre
The Grey Horse
James D Gibson & Co Ltd
Squire's Garden Centres
4th Sunbury Guides
Data Reprographics
Tangent Group
River Thames Society
Sunbury-on-Thames Active Retirement Group
The National Women's Register
St Mary's Parish Hall Committee
David Brown & Partners
Raj - Homecare D.I.Y
The Alan Freeman Trust
Sunbury & Shepperton Local History Society
Day School of Music
Knight's Glass